
This is a list of some of my publications, you can see a full list on Google Scholar.

First Author

  • Thorne, B., et al., Pipeline for Bayesian Inference of the Tensor-to-scalar Ratio from BICEP/Keck, WMAP, and Planck Cosmic Microwave Background Observations, in prep.
  • Thorne, B., et al., A generative model for Galactic dust emission using variational inference, arxiv:2101.11181, MNRAS, 2, 504:2603-2613, 2021.
  • Thorne, B., et al., Removal of Galactic foregrounds for the Simons Observatory primordial gravitational wave search, arxiv:1905.08888, submitted to Phys Rev D.
  • Thorne, B., et al., Finding the chiral gravitational wave background of an axion-SU(2) inflationary model using CMB observations and laser interferometers, arxiv:1707.03240, Phys. Rev. D, 97:043506, 2018
  • Thorne, B., et al., The Python Sky Model: Software for simulating the Galactic microwave sky, arxiv:1608.02841, MNRAS, 3, 469:2821-2833, 2017.


  • The Pan-Experiment Galactic Science Group, The Python Sky Model 3.1: Stochastic Simulations of Small Scale Galactic Dust and Synchrotron Emission, in prep.
  • Zonca, A., et al., The Python Sky Model 3 Software, arxiv:2108.01444, JOSS, 6, 67, 2021.
  • Millea, M., et al., Optimal CMB Lensing Reconstruction and Parameter Estimation with SPTpol Data, arxiv:2012.01709, 2020, accepted.
  • Choi, S., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectra at 98 and 150 GHz, arxiv:2007.07289, JCAP, 12, 045, 2020.
  • Aiola, S., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 maps and cosmological parameters, arxiv:2007.07288, JCAP, 12, 047, 2020.
  • The CMB-S4 Collaboration, CMB-S4: Forecasting Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves, arxiv:2008.12619, accepted by ApJ 2020.
  • The Simons Observatory Collaboration, The Simons Observatory: Science Goals and Forecasts, arxiv:1808.07445, JCAP, 02, 056, 2019.
  • De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., et al., Deconstructing double-barred galaxies in 2D and 3D. II. Two distinct groups of inner bars, arxiv:1901.08881, MNRAS, 2, 494:1826-1837, 2020.
  • De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., et al., Deconstructing double-barred galaxies in 2D and 3D. I. Classical nature of the dominant bulges, arxiv:1901.02684, MNRAS, 1, 484:665-686, 2019.
  • Alonso, D., et al., Simulated forecasts for primordial B-mode searches in ground-based experiments, arxiv:1608.00551, Phys. Rev. D, 95:043504, 2017.